Richard Pell [US]
3D anaglyph. Music by Jason Martin.

CODEX ENTROPIA is a cautionary epic created from found anaglyph images. Addressing the entanglement of biological life forms, computational data, and political ideology, this film narrates an alternative history of an ancient civilization that develops complex animal computing technologies and stores information in landscapes. The original music and sound design by Jason Martin positions ghosts as recordings, and recordings as ghosts.

Richard Pell is the founder and director of the Center for PostNatural History, an organization dedicated to the collection and exposition of life-forms that have been intentionally and heritably altered through domestication, selective breeding, tissue culture, or genetic engineering.


Read Richard Pell’s Message‌ ‌to‌ ‌the‌ ‌People‌ ‌of‌ ‌the‌ ‌Future‌ to learn more about CODEX ENTROPIA’s music and composer Jason Martin.

Richard Pell’s inspirations for CODEX ENTROPIA include the work of Idries Shah,  author and teacher in the Sufi tradition. Read Shah’s The Dermis Probe and The Islanders. Used by permission of the Idries Shah Foundation.

Jason Martin’s “Reel to Reels, Railroad Tracks and Time Travel”

Multispecies justice advocate Eben Kirksey responds to CODEX ENTROPIA here.